Each blind offers a wide choice of fabrics including PVC, various shade mesh solutions and canvas.
All blinds provide shelter from the elements, UV protection and will complement any outdoor entertaining area. Our blinds are manufactured in Adelaide in a state of the art facility using the most up to date techniques. All fabrics are UV stabalised and mildew resistant.
PVC is great for customers who want to protect their outdoor area from wind and rain, while maintaining clear views from within. It is a common misconception that PVC blinds will come up looking like glass, the fabric is a permeable membrane which shrinks and expands and can absorb moisture. PVC needs special care to maintain a clean look. We have a number of different tint options and a marine grade PVC. Motorisation is not recommended for PVC Blinds.
Mesh fabrics
We predominately use Visiontex fabric due to its nice range of colours and sturdy but soft fall making the overall visual satisfying. We are able to access other fabrics including stripes.
Visiontex Plus fabrics
2 x 2 weave PVC coated polyester
97% Rain Blockout
96% Wind Blockout
94% UV-R Blockout
FR Rated - Self Extinguishing
Visiontex Ultra fabrics
2 x 2 weave PVC coated polyester in
99% Rain Blockout
99% Wind Blockout
99% UV-R Blockout
FR Rated - Self Extinguishing
Our manufacturer uses Hunter Douglas canvas – a well known fabric to the industry. This fabric comes in a wide range of stripes and solid colours. It gives you a 100% block - Strong and durable, this fabric is exclusively manufactured to withstand the rigours of the most demanding Australian conditions.
Speak to Gary or Jayne about the advantages and disadvantages of these fabrics for your home and situation.